Home On The Range Part 5


On the way to 3 Step Hideaway in Utah I thought I'd struck gold.
I was gonna run in waving my credit card and holler "I want 3 of everything".
They were closed dang' it.
I was like my wife at Hobby Lobby.




We spent the nite at a nice campground in Green River, Utah.
I've been thru here many times on different motorcycle rides.
The Trans America Trail Goes thru here.




And then there it was the tree marking the entrance to the 3 Step Hideaway.
If you didn't know it is a ranch 40 miles Southeast of Moab, Utah owned by my good friends
Scott and Julie Stevenson.





It's a mile down this road to the ranch off the paved road.
When I first came here if it rained it was kind of sketchy to get down this road.
It's nice now.







Debi became an instant cowgirl upon our arrival.
Scott, Julie and their dog Bailey greeted us.



Me and Debi didn't mess around a whole lot.
I wanted to show Debi some of the area--she has never been to Utah.
So we jumped on the 500 and off we went ..........weather was perfect.





I headed to a place called Newspaper Rock toward Canyonlands National Park












Seems no one has been able to figure out what all this means.





















Debi loves rocks---our motohome was full of them from ones she gathered on this trip.
Remember the old movie with Lucille Ball "The Long Long Trailer".
Debi's my Lucy-----go watch that movie and quit watching the crap you are.

















Meanwhile back at the ranch







Squatters have move in no more than 75 feet from our camper.
Scott and Sheri Williams from Oklahoma.
We recognized that camper---------we sold it to them.
It's a neat little camper and they luv it.









Debi, Sheri and Scott went for a hike up the hill and had a nice view.









Scott and Sheri Williams--he's known as "High Five" on the interwebs.
He's a professional trials rider---Sheri can ride too.
We've done a lot of offroad riding together and been to Baja twice along
with dingweeds and others.









My Helmet camera had went on the fritz---------quit.
I had ordered a new one and me and Tim Tew (Tewster) went to Monticello on our 250 rallies
to pick it up.





And it wasn't long before some of us went on a great ride.
It was awesome......we rode for 3 days and camped out everynite with perfect weather.





Dr. Rock and Francine-------man we've rode a lot together over the years.







As in the past I told Dr. Rock I wasn't leading.
And he told me I was........OK.........no dust !!!!!!









We head out to Newspaper rock and Canyonlands on unpaved roads this time.
























These 2 had a hoot and brought up the rear.













We camped here............see that mountain ???
Dr. Rock said he was going to the top...........I knew he was kidding........I was wrong....he did it.
















There he goes..........I couldn't have done that.






My favorite picture of me and Debi's whole trip.
It's in the video below too.
I was leading to Hite, Utah after camping for the nite.
We got gas and supplies in Hite....it's right on the Colorado river.















Here's Francine standing on the edge of Muley Point.
I've camped here on the edge before and it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.












Then down the switchbacks of what is called the "Moki Dugway" towards
"Garden Of The Gods"






We rode hard and long that day as we couldn't find a suitable campsite.
But Dr. Rock found this one on a ledge with a great overlook and we had a great fire
and meal that nite.













And we made our way thru Montezuma Canyon








This is an old Indian Dwelling......you get into it from the roof.















There were many dwellings carved into this rock bluff.
All off the grid.

Part One-----a 3 Day camping ride from the 3 Step Hideaway
Julie and Hillirary were in the Side by Side
Dr. Rock Yamaha WR 250R
Francine Yamaha WR 250R
BigDog Honda 250 Rally






Part Two----a 3 Day camping ride from the 3 Step Hideway




On 2 Part 6

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