Home On The Range Part 6



And here starts the most amazing day of my life.
Just hanging around with our friends.
Most all I've either ridden with or have read about their adventures.
Mark Boesch (Hair Lip Dog)
Came down from Montana to be here.




Ron Petit who came down from Colorado to be here.
He test road my Honda CB500X while here




Before that evening...me, Debi, Scott Williams and his wife went for a road trip.












Here is a guy who has without doubt shared some of the best adventures I've ever read.
We've conversed back and forth for years...........never thought I'd get to meet him.
He was on another big ride but showed up here just in time for me to meet him.
Frank Reinbold-----also know as Docking Pilot on the AdvRider site.



Jerry Mueller------known as "Road Dad".
I jokingly call him "Walter".
His card says "Tit, Tat, Twat.......I ride a lot"
Been riding with him forever.
Looks grumpy all the time---------he's not........he's a hoot to be around.



What can I say about Dave on the bicycle.... I'll have to contain myself. I've never met a more fun guy
to ride with and be around. Look at that evil grin. He's plotting something against me I know.
And Allen Anderson (left) .......we've ridden a lot together..........mostly in Montana and Idaho.
I wish his buddy came.....looks like Lyle Lovett and I started calling him Lyle. Not sure I even
remember his real name.





Allan anderson let me ride his Beta 300.............2-stroke.
I wanted to ride that bike so bad..............figured after riding it I'd go by one.
Found out-----I used to be a good rider........and I used to be fast on a 2-stroke.



Scott Stevenson
No introduction needed for this good friend. We met on the internet.
Went for a 29 dayoffroad ride from Mexico and Canada without even have met.
He's a real Santa Claus---------always giving and helping out.
I could only wish to be as kind and giving as this guy. We've been everywhere...from the top of Baja
to the Arctic ocean in Alaska ad pretty much everwher in between seems like.





Dr. Rock........crap can't remember his real name........he's Dr. Rock to me.
Thousands and thousands of offroad miles with this guy.
Thank you for inviting me to those great rides...........or did I just invite myself ??????
Next to my son........smartest guy I ever met.
He can ride, cook, tell a tale and apply a tourniquet if needed.







Tim Tew (Tewster)------he's done a bit of great riding.
Ran into him on an Alaska trip and found him Squatting at the 3 Step !!
He has helped Scott and Julie here a lot.




Me, Tim and Francine
Always fun to be around and ride with Francine.
On one ride with her she got life flighted out of the desert....thankfully she has recovered fully.





Ron Petit.............guy in the plaid shirt.
What a great guy...........he's a schulptor and made one of the awards that I got.
Super nice guy who always has a smile............thanks Ron !!!!



Francine and my wife Debi





Mark Boesch and his wife Ellen-------------good, good, good friends.
Marks going to retire soon------hope his boss doesn't read this.






Round The World Paul
Yes...............the one and only Round The world paul.
Rode his motorcycle around the world (3 times) to get here.
Never thought I'd get to meet this guy.........thanks for your adventure stories and pictures.






Yeh when Mark retires...........we plan on going somewhere ???





And we set down for a great dinner........me and Debi had been eating mostly out of our camper
but Dingweeds sent word to come and eat with everybody.
Neither me or Debi knew what was coming.






Honestly what happened is still a blurr to me.
Someone got up and started talking about a rider who has shared many stories with other people
and shared so much with the world..........it perked my interest as he went on and on and on about this guy.
Must be Round The world Paul...........an award was to be presented to this person.
Who was this guy ???? The anticipation was just too much.
When my name was called I looked at my wife and we both broke out in tears.
So many people had got together without me and Debi's knowledge to pull this surprise off.
You can imagine how overwhelmed we were.
I was given many things.........I'm holding a picture of me and Scott with a bear photo shopped into the picture.



Ron Petit..........a Schulptor.
Said so many nice things and made me the neatest thing.
The "Silver Sprocket Award"
I will cherish it forever.........thanks Ron.





Here's what that plaque says.

"This award presented to "BigDog" Mark Sampson for his many contributions to the adventure
motorcycle community. His willingness to share his extensive travel experiences, motorcycle preparation
and maintenance tips has helped and inspired others to seek their own adventures that might
not have happened without Mark's dedication to the sport he loves and his willingness to help others."

I tried to express my thanks to everybody........especially my wife for supporting my riding all these
years.............but could only cry like a baby.









So this whole thing seemed to me to be like that old show "This Is Your Life"
That is until this guy got up and it was "Celebrity Roast" time.
He really lit into me and had everybody there laughing.
Said I'd owed him something like 3.4 millions dollars from all the expense I had caused him.
All the motorcycles he had to buy, all the gear, all the traveling expenses........it went on and on.
The divorce he claimed I caused was a huge part of this bill-----something like 1.3 millions dollars.

But in the end...........he re-imbursed me for all of it except 4 cents.
As all the fun he had made up for all the expense.
Your my Adios Pantelones buddy Dave !!!





My buddy High Five
Thanks for those good words.






Well enough of that crying..............wipe those tears away and let's fire up the band.
Didn't know there was going to be a band...........and didn't know I was half the band.
I do carry my guitar with me when traveling in the motor home.



This guy (not me) was an awesome player and singer and sang and played way past dark......and
my bedtime. He's an adventure rider too.



We played a lot of songs.........mostly ones we both knew.
I ask him if he knew "Sultans Of Swing"...........he didn't but I played it and he sang it.
What a night............I didn't want to end.






I asked him to play Eric Claptons "Wonderful Tonight" and he did.
It's me and Debi's song...........we cried and danced while he sung and played it.
Not only can I not sing-------I can't dance either......but my wife drug me around.
Sorry about the sideways picture--- I tried to flip that thing a hundred times.



I know I haven't thanked everybody for so much.
But before me and Debi left we wanted this picture.
Can't believe all my riding buddies from our Baja "Adios Pantelones" ride were here with me.
Notice the beer I'm holding........High Five gave each of us a six pack of it.
It is "Adios Pantelones" beer and is for real......thought it was a joke-----but it's for real.
Get you sum.



Sadly we leave the 3 Step Hideaway








We meandered our way home slowly-------camper here in a forest service campground in Colorado.
Many days before we'd get home.
Sure miss and appreciate all my friends.
When you say goodbye..........make it good as you never know if you'll see them again.


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