Home On The Range Part 4



Headed To Yellowstone National Park
Seems like rush hour toll booth city life to me.
I try to keep my cool.






Stuff We Saw
























































We didn't see everything...........but this was the dragons mouth and that thing seemed like it was alive.
It breathed, snorted, sneezed, belched like the mouth of a dragon.
That opening is about 25 feet tall.

























This thing was scary--------thousands of gallons of super heated water boiling up.
If things got our of hand we'd all be dead.


















King ot the road.
We were smart--stayed in our camper and waited a good 40 minutes for these bad boys to
get off the road..........after all it was their road......we were just intruders.
At least that's the way I see it.
I waited for an idiot to get out and get close to the beast.















We didn't drive all the way to Wallyworld to not see Marty Moose.............nor not see old faithful.




I was so glad it was so cold and raining.........we almost had the place to ourselves....well for awhile.





We were the "only" smart ones there.
Everybody else got soaked and had wet asses............I loved it.
Got out my multi-use Dingleweeds RP3000 adventure tarp.




We were warm and cozy............and dry.







She fiddled and farted around for the longest time.
Some people left too early.
I wasn't leaving till she blew up.....even if it took all day.















And She Did !!!!!

Old Faithful Video






On to see more stuff















This needs a caption.

The whole time we camped in Yellowstone if was pretty dang cold and never did stop raining.
And wasn't going to for a few days.
We eventually moved South toward Teton National Park
By the way...........Debi hasn't see a bear yet.........she was so dissapointed.







Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park
I've been by here many times.
This would be different--------we stayed awhile.





It's cold, rainy, windy and just blustery and I'm in my t-shirt.
Chili and a root beer..........life is great.




Didi thinks it's great too.............she's waitin' for left overs
























I rode my bicycle from the campgound to get this view.
Later we tried to hike down here and all hell broke loose.




Were still burning firewood those people back at May campgound gave us 2-3 weeks ago.





I suggested we talk a early evening walk down a trail to the lake and Debi can see the view I
did on my bicycle.
Right out of the trail we were about to enter comes this black bear.
Debi saw it first and about shit her drawers. After I saw it I put my arm out to protect here and told
her to walk back slowly-------our camper was about 100 yards behind us.
She did exactly what I said for about 3 seconds and the next thing I know she is gone.
I barely see her round the corner as she gets behind our motorhome.
The bear walks toward me at what I'd call a brisk walking pace.
Then turned sideways a bit and walked about 10 feet and then turned toward me again.
I truly really wasn't afraid of it even tho it was my first close encounter on foot.
I stood my ground and it turned again and walked away.
So what happened next can only be captured on video.

Those big black gloves just tear me up--------so funny !!!!






Next we head further South
We camped at Gros Ventre Campround one nite--still in the Grand Teton National Park
Then South thru Jackson Hole............One of my routing tools is avoiding places like this.
Debi couldn't resist the shopping that looked good to here at first.








This has a good story...........this cute little gal grabs Debi off the street to give her a "free" face
treatment of some sort. I rolled my eyes as she went in and waited outside patiently for a good hour.
Out she comes with a great story about this cream she put on her face. Remember my wife is very
frugal----that's why I can afford to buy all my motorcycles. I guess it did something to the skin
around her eyes........so Debi asks how much.................$1,000 for a small bottle of this cream.
She quickly backed off to $200 after Debi gave her the look.
I knew she wouldn't buy anything from this high dollar place when she went in...but she had fun.
Everything in this town was crazy priced.........and she said she had had enough of this town and
would never come here again. I just kept my mouth shut and down the road we went.









One of my favorite pictures..........Jackson Hole, Wyoming in my rear view mirror.
I have a similar picture leaving Las Vegas.



South on Wyoming 189 towared Lake Fontenelle our next camspot.





























I think the camping here was free.
Debi luvs that.......after almost spending $1.000 on a 50 cent thingy of cheap ass cream.





We had scored some Huckleberry Ice Cream....Yum Yum !!!!









After a couple days there we moved to a campground right on Flaming Gorge Reservoir.
Lucerne campground.
The antelope in the campground were like chickens on a farm.........everywhere.






We did some great bicycling here as the weather was perfect.






















It was so nice here---the campground was soon shutting down for the season.
These antelope were right in our rented front yard......amazing.







Then more South were in Utah.










The drive South in Utah was some of the most curvy and steep roads I had ever been on.
Debi was scared on some of this.









Our next campsite was on Starvation Reservoir and we stayed here 2 nites I believe.






You know what I hate about diesel pushers ???????
I ain't got one.
This guy had an old Harley on the back that he bought new---pulled the jeep too.






Man I did some good riding around here----I'd been seeing several of these things while traveling and
had guessed what it was but never found anybody to tell me if I was right.
Seemed to me to be a new contraption for pumping oil out of the ground.
An electrice motor moved what looked like a conveyor belt up and down.
Dangdest thing I ever saw--------they were everywhere.







This place was so weird-------out in the middle of nowhere---seemed to be off the grid ????
I had to zoom my camera way in to get this photo.




And this was the start of one of my best day rides I ever had.
Mostly pavement---but a little dirt.
From where we were camped near Duchesne my route went all the way to Heber City
and back. My way back was a totally different route.





At a pass summit I met this excited young couple who were getting married soon.
I had so much fun talking to them---------they were new to Adventure riding but had been inspired
from reading stories of some "Dog" guy on the internet and had no idea how to set up their bikes.
I sent them to a website I knew of (mine) for ideas as I own one of the bikes they were riding
and had owned the other one..










I didn't see to take many pictures of the ride today---but it was awesome.
I think my helmet cam had crapped out on me at this point.



Jordanelle Reservoir near Heber City





On to part 5 HERE



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