Jan 24th, 2019
Where were we ??? Oh yeah..............Still at City Of Rocks State Park in New Mexico.
And considering hiking up Table Mountain???----and we decided we just had to do it.
The highest point you see is where we hoped to hike to.
It was a couple miles up----and a couple back.
We had hiked most of the easy stuff in the park and I had mountain biked most of it too.
But this would prove to be much more difficult---and impossible for me to mountain bike.
By the way---this was the view from our campsite the whole time we were there.






Debi picked up a stick on the way.....and even tho we had real hiking poles she wants to
see if she can carve one out of this stick she found.



The whole hike was very rocky---some bigger than this.



Our view back down into the valley from which we came.




We've did a lot of hiking on our trip to the Southwest and we laugh about how we always forget something we
really needed.........maybe water, in reach tracking device, snacks...proper clothing for changing conditions, etc.
But on this hike we got it right. Temps changed, wind changed.......terrain changed...but we had
prepared correctly for this one.
The city of rocks can be seen way below us.














I zoomed in with the camera and you can see our motorhome and trailer on the far right.









We made it.
We were smart and rested a lot on the way up.
A hike I did way back in Big Bend National park I never rested near enough and almost didn't make it back.
We were estactic to be up here.




As of right now----we have decided to stay here awhile.......how long we don't know.
It's just so nice and quiet here. We are moving to a different campsite in the rocks
that we really liked. We met some people at this campsite and they are moving out
and we're going to move in when they leave in the morning.

A Short Video of Our Hike







January 25th, 2019
We moved to a different campsite this morning, and I anticipate another motorcycle ride and
unload my bike------it's ready to go and so am I.
I've got an idea today.




We still have the view of Table Mountain that we hiked up the other day.




I looked over my Benchmark map and noted where I've already rode and what looked like
a neat new route to ride.





From City Of Rocks state park I rode North to Hurley as the Honda needed gas....even tho
the thing has been getting almost 75 mpg. After gas I headed West on Whitewater road towards
the continental divide. The map showed it unpaved----and it was. It seemed this crane was trying to lift
the entire engine ????




On the way I ride for 40 miles at least before I see a ranch and right there was this old bridge
which took me over Cherry Creek.











I came to this gate, but it wasn't locked and I rode thru and shut it behind me.
The road narrowed a bunch and I hoped it went thru---a bit later I went thru another gate.
Best part of my ride today.





Somewhere near hear I got on the CDR---the Continental Divide Ride I did in 2004.
I had the track of it that I recorded long ago. Not many people knew what a gps was
back then. I was riding South on it.



Somewhere out here I was just winging it trying to find an unpaved route back to camp
and not ride the pavement North from Deming. I climbed up a steep climb which dead ended at
some towers---it was called "gauge" ????
I never did find that unpaved route to go thru---very few roads out here.
The benchmark map didn't show any.




This road dead ended at private property---this happened to me about 3 times as I was
scouting roads I hadn't been on.



Beautiful easy riding over the rolling hills.............I like easy when I'm alone.




I put another 200 miles on the Honda today............the oatmeal Debi fixed me for breakfast
had long worn off and I was starving....................I mean starving !!!
A big juicy hamburger, baked potato smothered with butter and sour cream, and some tater chips solved
that problem. Oh------and ice cream.


While I had been out riding Debi had been enjoying the day in the warm sun painting rocks.
She's painted a lot of them on this trip and left them at places we camped for others to enjoy.
It's an artist thing that artist do to share their spiritual art.
I'm too stupid to understand all this artist stuff---She hides the rocks and if someone finds it .......they
get blessed..........or something like that. They leave inspiration and kindness to others.





She's also been whittling on walking sticks for us.


A short video of todays ride.



We said Goodbye to City Of Rocks.
We liked the rocks----lets go find some more ????






South thru Deming, New Mexico we stock up on supplies as we intend to camp for days
away from the city. And I find us a campspot in "Rockhound" state park.
Yes...........more rocks. $10 a nite here----it's freezin' at home---let's stay awhile.



We don't have time for much after settling in except to enjoy the sunset.
I look at all my maps and gps info---and decide there is all kinds of stuff to do here.
We can ride the scooter, I can ride my dualsport, we can ride our bicycles and Debi
can do what a lot of people to here-----find rocks. This is a special place for rocks---all kinds of rocks are in those
hills and you allowed to mine for them and take 15lbs. of them with you. Heck...........google this place
and you'll see the neat stuff people have pulled out of those hills.
After all it is............."Rockhound" state park.
Also---there is lots of good hiking here.





We'd been camping without electric hookups for about a week---but for $14 here we could have
an electric hookup-----man the state parks in New Mexico are cheap.
When one guy moved out of an electric site we moved in and I had to have a nap after
a big breakfast.




I've been here before----and took Debi on a hike to find the heart shaped Prickly pear cactus
leaf I found here 2 years ago and sent her a picture of it on Valentines day---how sweet of me.








There are a billion prickly pear cactus leaves here.






It's gotta be in here somewhere---I thought I knew exactly where it was at ???







Debi hunts for rocks while I look for the prickly pear cactus----I never found it.



It was a nice hike above the campground







Anyway---here's a picture I took of it 2 years ago

A Video Of Our Hike



So after the hike----Debi is rockhounding and I get my bicycle out and head up a mountain.
I didn't know I'd set a world land speed record for an ole' man on a bicycle.


It's a 17% grade..........The only paved road I know in America with a 17% grade.







I struggle to the top and look back as Debi is suppose to be looking for me through
binoculars from our campsite. I call here on the cellphone and she can see me !!!!






At the end of the road is Lovers Leap trailhead---maybe I'll hike it tomorrow ???




Anyway---on the ride back I resisted the temptation to ride the brakes on my bike.
40 mph on a bicycle scares me to death. The last time here I hit my brakes in fear---this time
I didn't chicken out and hit 49.7 mph on the way down.
I'm waiting for my gold medal.

Here's Video of my Record Setting Bicycle Ride





January 30th, 2019
Another beautiful morning and Debi has to do some Rockhounding at Rockhound state park.
Mind you I'm not a Rockhound and wouldn't give you 2 cents for a 5 gallon bucket of diamonds,
so while she and DiDi are rockhounding I take off Northeast of Deming New Mexico to ride some
roads that looked inviting on my Benchmark map.




I rode North for a good 20 miles on a dirt road that promised to go East over the mountains
and loop back South. I think somebody has murdered the road.
It's DEAD.






I came to a locked gate---those are the mountains I hoped to go over.
All this land out here is BLM land-------except for this bit here.
I had to turn back South.









And immediately found a better road heading South East.
I had been on Keeler road but this was Greenleaf Mine Road and it was awesome
with a little sand thrown in.




I was astounded to find this water out here.
I bet the mine had something to do with this.




I had no idea how good the riding was going to be today----and what I'd find as the day went on.




I'm not totally sure, but I think this is the Greenleaf mine ????

















I ran into these fine folks while searching for the ruins of Fort Cummings.
I had stupidly took off this mornning and left my camel back at camp.
I had no toilet paper, food nor worse yet.............water.......I was thirsty.
These Rockhounders fed me and gave me a couple bottles of water.
An act of kindness I really appreciated.
Now North to find the fort ruins.








Near the fort ruins I was astounded to fine this spring---what a lot of history here.




Inside the spring house.









Holy crap---read the history---this spring has been used for 10,000 years.




Poking around the fort ruins this topped my day off.
I was on the Butterfield stage trail.



I got a late start riding today---but found some neat roads and history.


A short video of todays Ride


The Hardest Hike Of Our Lives
This hike takes place in another state park near where we were camped called
Spring Canyon State Park
It's strictly a day use area and offers many sheltered picnic areas and
"The Hike From Hell"
You see the word "very" in the sign. Take heed to that word if you come here.







The trail starts off Hard
And quickly escalates to extremely hard.
Yes this is the trail---not just some picture of the side of the trail.
We would hike to that saddle in the picture.
It's so close------yet.................so far away.















I bet we stopped 15 times to rest and catch our breath.
The temp was a perfect 65°
I was constantly relating to Debi that maybe we should turn back---but she was having
none of that.




We made it to the top---------Lovers Leap.
We were trashed----I mean trashed and joked about jumping off so we wouldn't have to suffer
any more fun (misery).





It was over 6,000 ft. elevation up here.






You know how when riding a motorcycle you take pictures of the difficult terrain but it
never looks hard at all..............well these do.
Debi fell on her butt and had nothing better to do than just laugh (cackle) about it.





What she was really laughing about was the fact that I could not stand up and walk down
these steep grades in the loose shale and rocks-------------I slid down on my ass.
For Several hundred feet I did this knowing it wasn't a good idea to stand up.
I would have rolled down if I tried to stand up....and there were cliffs to fall off of.
How in the hell did I get up this in the first place ????
Crawling on my hands and knees..............that's how.












So...............we made it without killing ourselves...but I'm here to tell you....we were done.
And our scooter was waiting for us at the trail head. Not one other person hiked this trail today
which seemed odd---the weather was ideal.
Just maybe they were smarter than we were. The ranger came up to lock the gate at the designated
4PM------------------it was 4PM as we rode past him.
A week or 2 from now this will all be funny !!!!!!
What helped me back down this mountain was Debi's constant kackling (laughing) behind me
which made me laugh and forget how tired I (we) was.
One couple did come up here and hiked about 200 yds. and came back with their tails between theirs legs.
We weren't that smart.

Click To Part 6


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