February 2, 2019
We Sadly leave Rockhound State Park
And Into a Snowstorm


It wasn't much more than a hundred miles East of Deming, New Mexico the temperature fell to 60° below.
It was amazing what a few miles would do.




We just about got stuck in this snow embankment














But the sun was out--no wind---so it felt pretty good




I decided to make the best of it and work on my tan and drank a cold soda.






We tried our best to snuggle and keep warm













The master navigator---is plotting the future



We wrote our names in the snow

















You know how you do a timed photo and it never works out. Well this one did.



DiDi wanted to play and so did I





Sometime on this trip DiDi developed a crack habit



Who.......Who.....Who....Will play with me ????





We moved just a few miles West of White Sands National Monument and boondocked on Lake Holloman.
Truly boondocking------------free..........Debi luvs free !!!!
It was much warmer here----a good 72°



With the Lincoln National Forest to our East

A short Video of the day


This cool 4-wheel drive vehicle was camped beside us.



Also this Diesel Volkswagon van which is not sold in the US.






Before we left Lake Holloman we got to enjoy a great evening fire and sunset.




After some more boondocking here and there we headed further East over very high passes.



Me and Debi had never been here---I've drove by this National Monument more times than
I can remember going to Baja or just to the Southwest. Today we took it all in.
We tried to visit this place many days ago but the government had it shut down.



This is the "Natural' entrance to the caverns.
We elected to enter here---and use the elevator up and out.






We possibly picked this day to visit as the caverns with the least amount of people here.
We walked every bit of the caverns alone---we weren't the only ones here but we
just never saw anybody. Some days thousands come here---but not today.
I guess it was a combination of maybe many things. It was a weekday and the government
shut down had ended not long ago---------and we got there as they opened the gates first
thing that morning. It was over a mile walk down---dropping about 800ft. and took over
an hour---and hour me and Debi will never forget. We were in no hurry whatsoever
and took our time.








This is the largest cavern in the Western hemisphere and it was over a mile walk
around the Big Room. A ba-zillion things and oddities to see--------no two alike.












I'm not going to post a lot of pictures of the caverns---me and my camera do a bad job for one thing.
You can do much better with google believe me.
Most of the stalagmites and stalagtites are dry and have quit growing.
This one is one of the few that is wet and still growing.



My pictures are awful and I can't say enought about this wonderful place and am not going to try.
Just go there. We probably walked 3.5 miles and loved every inch of it.




We were beat from walking and just being continually overwhelmed and took the elevator up.
A quick 45 seconds to go 800 feet straight up.

A Short Video of our visit to Carlsbad Caverns


Tonight 2-5-19 we are camped on Jal lake park in Jal, New Mexico.
Free camping with RV hookups---We've spend 2 days here relaxing--hiking around the lake and just
enjoying the warm temps and sunshine. The lake is beautiful with a nice walking path all around it.
It's full of all kinds of waterfowl and the ducks are a hoot to watch.



We left Jal Lake State Park
Stopping here and there------mostly there.
DiDi needed a break





Lamesa, Texas
We fell in love with this town and it had a nice city park with free camping
with free water and electricity. It was a nice warm day and we tried to stay outside all we could.






Tooling around town on my bicycle I came across "stuff"......I luv stuff.
Look close at the window of this old pickup-----it's a waterfall.
Water was pouring out into the little pond below.
I bet this is the only pickup truck waterfall in the world ?????





Me and Debi both love the old courthouses in small towns.
And this one was special------see the art work on the wall ????





The story behind all the pictures on the courthouse walls is a good one.
They had an inmate in the jail who they let out everyday who was an artist.





They built him a scaffold and he made several paintings on the courthouse walls.
This had to take months----------years ?????



They were beautiful





Debi is an artist and we got to inquiring about the artist----------and what happened to him ????
Inquiring minds wanted to know.
Did he see the error of his ways and become a famous painter and live a crimeless life ???
Nope----the local guy said---he's in prison in Chicago.
This painting was done in the courtroom where he was convicted.





Our campsite in Lamesa, Texas---more bike riding. I think we stayed here 2 days as the weather
was awesome.






We hit the road again and Debi usually just sits in the seat in the motorhome and enjoys the views.
I always travel on scenic backroads the same as on my motorcycle.
It's Debi's birthday 2-7-19. We stop here for dinner and it's special----very special.
Welcome to the Bison Cafe in Quitique, Texas where I plan on having a Bison burger.
Well...........they were all out of Bison burgers but we had the best time in this extremely small
town talking to locals----the food was over the top !!!!!!






So Debi goes back to the camper----and I'm taking care of the bill.
But I'm gone a long time. A long time. And Debi is wondering what the heck could I be doing ????
Must be in the crapper ????
Well.........all is well when I show up with a warm birthday cake and ice cream.
With a birthday candle on top.
We lite the candle, she blows it out and I sing happy birthday and for some reason I start crying.
And she starts crying more. It's OK for her to cry she does that all the time.
A moment both of us will never forget.
What's really special about this day is that I'm with her on her birthday----in years past
I was always gone--------probably ridng my dirt bike down in Baja.
I've gotten away with that for years.
I mean-------a birthday cake and ice cream in a styrofoam container---how special is that !!
I could do know wrong for the rest of day---I've pulled a rabbit (cake) out of my ass.
In the middle of nowhere.








Debi asks-------where we going now ????
I don't know---what's that sign say ????





We camped the night in the state park and Bison were everywhere.





In the campground too---they were everywhere.
They are very quiet and while stepping out of the camper in the middle of the night
I had to be very careful of them as they might be right out the door.
They will stomp you in the dirt if you corner them---or chase them or just annoy them.
Leave them alone---don't approach and they are no problem. I've been around them a lot
and found this to be true.











Lake in the State Park








Prairie dogs were everywhere and we had a hoot watching them.
They were so funny to watch.









After our visit to Caprock we move on and Debi asks where are we going ???? You'll see.
And I take her to my favorite overlook I found years ago while traveling out West.
I've stopped here many times.
It overlooks the "Prairie Dog Town Fork Of The Red River".





The canyon below is an extension of the 2nd largest canyon in the US.
Which is in Palo Duro State Park to the Northwest of here.







We stay here quite a while and enjoy the view and solitude and eat lunch in the motorhome.
Almost every meal on this trip had been in the motorhome.




And this is the history of the highway going down and thru the canyon.






So off we go and Debi asks----"where we going next".
You'll see.
And we enter Palo Duro State Park
Debi's never seen a long horn steer and her eyes go big as pancakes...which they did often on this trip.





She doesn't want to get out of the camper---but I coax her out---after all there is a fence.
I go inside to pay camping fees and the gal inside says this bull is actually quite ornery.
So Debi's outside alone with this bad boy as I'm inside.
I guess when your this big you can do whatever you like.







We drop down in the canyon------remember this is the 2nd largest canyon in the US.
2nd to the Grand Canyon. That's why I came here---I read that on the internet and just had to
come here. We go down, down, down, down..................it's a10% grade.





We park the camper and I open the door and Debi gets this picture of the back of my head and
a deer as I step out-----------they are everywhere.







It froze that night at the bottom of Palo Duro Canyon.
A brass water valve in a camping spot close to us froze and busted----and when it warmed up
water was spraying everywhere.
We had a big breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, potato's, coffee, and orange juice.
It was time to hike----it's cold out and we dress for the hike.

We decide to hike the Paseo Del Rio Trail.
On this trail you go past the "Cowboy Dugout"
It was told that this was built in the 19th century .





This trail follows a nice creek and is open to hikers and bicycles.
Some trails out here are open to horses.








We had prepared for a 3 or 4 mile hike but couldn't resist getting on the "Lighthouse" trail.
The rock you see sticking up resembles a lighthouse.





I suppose the extreme hikers may get to the lighhouse----but I think 99.9% of the people out hiking
this trail just get to where you can see it.



The couple you see here are not on the designated trail that is pretty easy.
We watched in almost horror as these 2 walked the very narrow trail up there.
From our vantage point we couldn't really see the trail----but watching how they were walking
we figured out the trail was maybe a foot wide as they both put one foot in front of the other
(not beside) and had their arms extended out for balance. They made it to where the trail started
going down and turned back. Occasionally they would lose their balance and sit down to keep from
falling to their death. We had watched them scramble (crawl) up there but never dreamed they would walk
out where they did. The girl in front was very brave----we could tell the guy following her was
scared to death---------as were we watching them.




We hiked many more miles than we had prepared for and were pretty wore out
when we got back to our camper----we took a few breaks on the way.





Some more Video


I don't know about you---but this picture just puts a grin on my face.




So----------after recovering from the hike a bit and drinking a hot cup of hot chocolate
Debi made-----I had a mission------------if I should choose to accept.
A mission to ride up to the entrance to Palo Duro to pay for another nites camping.
It was 5 miles up a 10% grade--------so why did I subject myself to doing this ????
Did I say it's cold out ????..........it is.
I had another reason to ride my bicycle up there.
While checking in I told the gal that I'd try to ride back up there and she looked at my
gray hair and beard and flatly told me it couldn't be done---------I'd never make it.
Well.........I showed her.




The ride down was spectacular as I passed car after car going down.
I didn't hit the 49.7 mph I did in Rockhound state park---but dang near.













I was froze when I got back to the motorhome---more hot chocolate was in order.
Then some homemade Chili.
After dark we played cards (rummy) for hours, but I had trouble concentrating as a black and
white western was playing on the TV and Debi beat me----well, that's my excuse anyway.
I love old black and white westerns---especially with Henry Fonda. He's no Josey Wales
but dang near.






So the next day I get my mountain bike out for what ended up to be a spectacular ride.






I was going to ride the Lighthouse trail.



The scenery in Palo Duro kind of reminds me of Utah.
It is beautiful here and I had the trail mostly to myself.





Those 2 rocks are where the trail ends---the rocks that look like a lighthouse.





The trail is 2.7 miles long one way.





I rode it all the way to the end---where you must hike the last bit to the top.










The trail gets really ugly and steep----a good place to break your leg.
I was alone and didn't hike the last bit.








After getting to the end I ride the 2.7 miles back and take off on the Rojo Grande Trail.
Which was even more fun.




No that's not me------this young lady blew right past me as I didn't have the skills
and pushed my bike up this.







I did have the nerve to ride this-----what a hoot.




A Video of my Bicycle Ride





Me and Debi are back home now---what a nice trip----everyday was great.
If I didn't need to get home to file our taxes we'd still be out there !!!!
We'll be doing this again----a lot of shorter trips are planned and when it gets hot around here
we'll go North for a month-----2 or 3 !!!!!
Hope you enjoyed the story.
I rarely write about my travels as either I am or both me and Debi are doing stuff all the time and
I don't have the time to write about all of them. Writing about all of them would cut into my riding
time seriously.

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